
Philomena Zoeschg

little space and always save
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
St. Nikolaus
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicolse D ´Incecco
And we just have to save much. But I must say it has yet to be poorer. It really has yet to be poorer. We have had every year a cow and a pig and sometimes two, three goats. And if the cow gave milk, then the mom still has a neighbor who has had even less, given a little milk and sometimes she still has her dazugegeben a small piece of butter. But otherwise we really have to save much. So, it really was not even the bare minimum there. But that many left. This is today - if you were alone and so a need is - if you're alone and it is better to others, then one does not cope. But when you see that others are there too, then that is really quite .. We have children because nothing made of it, though we far too little clothing and shoes have had much too little. But we are still somehow been satisfied and happy. We have lived - we had a very small house. And as more children have been then, we have older children have to go to sleep in the attic. And in the attic that was not isolated or something, because there have been columns and it has pulled in. And in the winter when it snowed and the wind is gone, it is often on our beds once in the morning been so snowstorm. But we really have had a good bed and slept together. We have to sleep together, because we have not had so much space. And then we have always had warm. And the Mama us in the evening when we went to bed, always something, a piece of blanket or something on the stove and made hot given. Yes, for the feet and such. And for instance, is somehow - and I must say. We must save that our father told us we have had the dry bread, hard bread. That's been healthy and well. He always said: "Children, you need it every time you bite off, hineinklopfen in the mouth, because you are allowed no crumbs can be lost." He said. Yes, and that we have done that we have bitten off automatically and hineingeklopft. But bread we have had thanks to God always. And as long as it has given a loaf of bread, you really had no hunger, if it was just bread. Otherwise, so sweet it has ever been before. .. never actually - than if, for Nicholas, when Santa Claus is come, then maybe everyone has got an orange and a Santa Claus. And if it's been far, a few nuts and an apple. So herb, there have been almost every day. Potato has also given, and then burning soup and milk and soup in the morning a Mus. And if there was once no muscle, then we have been very unhappy. In the morning has been stirred in a jam with milk and corn flour and brown it with a little butter. That would have been the best. This has given it in the morning. And otherwise just - yes, and then it has here and there - because the mom has said to us: "Today, children, we have been married ten years, today there is something better to eat. But you must not tell anyone anything." .. At that time we just - have .. Had debts and save uncanny need. Then there were omelettes, pancakes so they say there .. for lunch .. And there is a bit of jam in it. And that was just as now, the best cake.